There are many children who play in our neighborhood. Please drive carefully.
The speed limit is 25 miles per hour!
Directions to Hickory Creek POA
From 169 - Travel east on 86th St N about two miles to North 129th East Avenue, and turn right (south) about one mile to East 67th Place North into the neighborhood entrance.
The second entrance is East 67th Street North a few hundred feet south of the first entrance.
Two other entrances into the neighborhood are off East 66th Street North turning north on North 128th East Court or North 128th East Avenue.
The roads in Hickory Creek include: East 67th Place North, North 128th East Avenue, North 128th East Court, and East 167 Street North
Map imagery and/or directions shown above may be provided by a third party and are offered as a convenience
and are not guaranteed accurate. The author of this site can not be held responsible for the accuracy of map/direction
information shown here.